If you listen to the Stand to Reason podcast, you'll know that Greg Koukl has given the current U.S. presedential election some very insightful commentary over the last several weeks. This week's discussion may be the most important yet. In this discussion, Koukl read a recent article by Robert George entitled "Obama's Abortion Extremism." I am writing to encourage you to head over to Public Discourse and read this article.
You may be thinking, "I don't want to read another article. I'm fed up with this election."
I have two responses. First, Robert George is not simply another uninformed citizen spouting fruitless gripes. Read this short bio from the foot of the linked article:
Robert P. George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. He is a member of the President's Council on Bioethics and previously served on the United States Commission on Civil Rights. He sits on the editorial board of Public Discourse.In other words, this guy has a reason to talk. And he does it well.
My second reason you should read it is this: you are morally obligated to vote because politics involve moral issues. God cares greatly about morality, and so should you, if you claim to be a moral person. And when you vote, you better be sure you're making the right choice. There are two nominees for this election, and one of them is a morally better choice than the other. You are required, as a moral person, to choose the better option in this case.
If you have been considering a vote for Barack Obama - I implore you to read the article by Robert George, and then rethink your position. If after reading this article you still plan to vote for Mr. Obama, you should be ashamed. Regardless of the other issues at stake in this election, there is no way for a person with correct moral thinking to place their vote on the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to run for office.
Now, if you knowingly admit yourself to be an immoral person, or if you think taking the lives of tiny human beings in any form is a good thing, by all means, vote for Barack Obama. But if you are an American citizen, and claim to be a follower of Christ according to any denomination, you had better be prepared to vote, and to make the right choice when you do.