Thursday, August 30, 2007

About Reverentium

Reverentium is the word I've created for a place of reverent meditation before the true God.

I am a thinker. My goal is to use Reverentium as a place to meditate on truth under the guidance of God, and to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ to meditate as well.

The more we think, the more we learn how to accept God's transforming grace in our lives and hearts. But thinking requires time. As followers of Christ, we must learn to "waste time with God" (a term borrowed from Klaus Issler, author of Wasting Time With God). As with any other relationship, our relationship with God must be nurtured through quality time spent together. This could be spent in one of several ways. It doesn't matter so much what we're doing when we waste time with God. It only matters that we do.

I hope to encourage anyone who reads Reverentium to continue thinking, seeking, growing, transforming, as I do the same. I am flawed, weak, and always in need of God's grace. I admit it and therefore ask for the reader's mercy in analyzing my thoughts. I tend to ask questions of myself and others which require consideration of what we believe. This can be uncomfortable and even threatening, but I think it is necessary.

I will discuss theology, philosophy, and the spiritual life as I think about them from day to day. I have no particular association with any denomination of Christianity. I attend an Evangelical Free church, but I don't necessarily agree with everything in the EVFree church's belief statement. I seek the truth, which always soars above and beyond organizations and Christian groups.

To this end I write.

"...You have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator."
- Paul's letter to the Colossians 3:9-10 (ESV)

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