Monday, November 26, 2007

The Rapture Question Answered: finally finished reading

This weekend, I finally got around to finishing Robert Van Kampen's The Rapture Question Answered, Plain and Simple.

As I've mentioned before, this book argues for a pre-wrath view of the timing of the rapture of the saints. Having finished the book, I can say that Van Kampen has made some very strong arguments for his position. Reading the book, I sometimes got the vibe that I was reading the writings of an amateur writer, but his biblical backing seemed sound, and he certainly seems to have done his research.

At the end of the book, he really makes the most important point, which I'll summarize for you: the reason that it is important to consider the timing of the rapture is that the saints need to be prepared , if indeed the pre-wrath view is correct. If pre-tribulationists are expecting Christ to return at any time, before the tribulation, they could end up sorely confused or unprepared when Antichrist begins his reign. Van Kampen sites various passages of scripture which refer to a reality of the end times: many "Christians" will fall away, abandoning their faith under the persecution of the Antichrist. He argues that it is important for the saints to be prepared for this time, so that when it comes, we will remain strong in our faith until the end, when Christ comes to save us before God's wrath comes upon the earth.

Even if you don't agree with the pre-wrath view, I think you ought to admit that Van Kampen has a good point. If Christians are going to suffer under the wrath of Satan (Antichrist), we must be prepared to persevere.

Van Kampen ties together passages from Matthew 24, Thessalonians, Revelation, and Daniel to show that all of them refer to the same end-times sequence of events. If you are interested in this topic, and would like to examine the pre-wrath view, this book seems to be a great place to start, as it deals with nothing more than the rapture and how it fits into the surrounding end-times events. Beyond this book, you could also take a look at Van Kampen's larger book, The Sign, which I own but have yet to read. There are also many other pre-wrath books out there.

I encourage you to do some research on this topic, as the pre-wrath view is a solid one, and it could affect the way you think and live. Even if you don't agree, at least you'll have decided why you don't agree.


Alan E. Kurschner said...

That is an encouraging positive review you gave for the book. I wish more folks like you were open to consider the prewrath view.

You said, "Reading the book, I sometimes got the vibe that I was reading the writings of an amateur writer..."

I can understand that. Without overstating, there is literally an exclamation point in every paragraph in the book! (pun intended ;-) Beyond some other unfortunate stylistic elements, Van Kampen does an effective job in communicating the substance of the book, and is an excellent primer for those who are from the pretrib perspective.


Christie said...

"the reason that it is important to consider the timing of the rapture is that the saints need to be prepared , if indeed the pre-wrath view is correct."

Exactly my opinion and the one I have grown up being taught.

Thanks for sharing.