Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Kingdom Triangle - read it

I am posting briefly to talk about J.P. Moreland's book, Kingdom Triangle.

A few months ago, I posted about how God unexpectedly provided a copy of this book for me out of the blue. After recently finishing Van Kampen's, The Rapture Question Answered, I moved on to reading Kingdom Triangle. I had heard good things and was very intrigued having read the introductory pages.

I have decided that this is a book every Christian should read. I am only in the first part of the book (the first part of the triangle), but every bit has been rich. Moreland has jammed these pages with vast amounts of wisdom and well-tested knowledge. He is writing about very important matters which every Christian needs to know, if the church is going to function at its best.

If you haven't bought the book, I suggest you do so now. Where to buy? Here are some options:

Bookstore Max

Some of the material has been deep and somewhat philosophical, but Moreland argues that these principles are necessary for Christians to understand if we are to face the "crisis" of our culture.

J.P. is one of the great Christian philosophers and thinkers of our time. I highly recommend this book, which Moreland claims is his most important work to date.

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