Friday, September 7, 2007

QuickPost: Unexpected Provision

A book I've been really eager to get my hands on is J.P. Moreland's The Kingdom Triangle. I've heard him speak about it and have put the book on my "must acquire" list. But I had resolved myself to waiting around and hoping to receive it for Christmas or some such.

Today, through very odd and unlikely circumstances I saw a friend whom I haven't seen for several months. This friend works with J.P. I asked if he had read the book, which of course, he had. He didn't let me leave without giving me a copy of the book he happened to have on hand for giveaway. A fresh, unread copy of The Kingdom Triangle!

I can't let the opportunity pass by to share this experience. God provided. My chances of being there at that time, in that situation, was very unlikely. God is good, and today he provided me with spiritual food I could never have expected.

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