Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Faith and Reason update

I'm posting briefly to add one more resource that I discovered after posting my initial post called "Faith and Reason".

I discovered a site called Skeptical Christian. The site is run by Kyle Deming, who devotes his energy to providing useful information and resources for a reasonable defense of the Christian worldview. He has a podcast and a blog. There is a huge volume of information on his site, so don't hesitate to read his blog or listen to his podcast.

I have also been listening to Greg Koukl's Ambassador Basic Curriculum and Tactics in Defending the Faith Mentoring. I purchased both in MP3 format from the Stand to Reason website. While I can't say I agree with Koukl on his everything he says in his ABCs, I highly recommend purchasing these products. Koukl is very articulate and solid in his training.

My only disagreements with him relate to small aspects of his approach to Biblical truth. I could be wrong in my assessment, but I think he leans toward the idea that, if an important truth for the Christian life exists, it is taught in some clear form in the Biblical canon. I tend to think that church history and tradition, as well as some extrabiblical sources, contain very valuable information for the Christian life, but Koukl doesn't touch on these sources in his training about the Christian life, at least not in this series. I know that he respects J.P. Moreland highly, but I find that these two seem to disagree on a few things. All in all, I only disagree with Koukl on about 1% of his thoughts in the entire curriculum.

That said, don't let my assessment keep you from using these resources. They are invaluable in training Christians to be top-notch ambassador's for Christ. I will listen to them over and over.

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